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Theses and book

A. Sobiecki. Skeletonization Methods for Image and Volume Inpainting, PhD thesis and book, University of Groningen, 2016.

A. Sobiecki. Segmentação e Restauração Digital de Artefatos em Imagens Frontais de Face, Master thesis, Centro Universitário FEI, 2012.


A. Sobiecki, J. Dijk, H. Folkertsma and A. Telea. Does face restoration improve face verification? Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications, volume 80, pages 32863 - 32883, Aug 2021

A.C. Jalba, A. Sobiecki and A.C. Telea. An Unified Multiscale Framework for Planar, Surface, and Curve Skeletonization, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 38(1):30-45, Jan 2016.

A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Comparison of curve and surface skeletonization methods for voxel shapes, Pattern Recognition Letters, 47:147-156, 2014.

A. Sobiecki, G.A. Giraldi, L.A.P. Neves, and C.E. Thomaz. An Automatic Framework for Segmentation and Digital Inpainting of 2D Frontal Face Images, IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2012.

Book Chapters

J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, P. Rauber, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Efficient and Effective Automated Digital Hair Removal from Dermoscopy Images, Math. Morphol. Theory Appl. vol. 1, De Gruyter, 2016.

A. Sobiecki, G.Giraldi, L.A.P. Neves, G.J.F. Gattas and C.E. Thomaz. Arcabouco Computacional para Segmentacao e Restauração Digital de Artefatos em Imagens Frontais de Face, omnipax, In Avancos em Visao Computacional, December 2012.

A. Sobiecki, C.D. Gallao, D.C. Cosme, and P.S.S. Rodrigues. Comparacao de Imagens Tomograficas Cone-Beam e Multi-Slice Através da Entropia de Tsallis e da Divergencia de Kullback-Leibler omnipax, In Avancos em Visao Computacional, December 2012.

Conference Papers

W. Dijkstra, A. Sobiecki, J. Bernal, A. Telea. Towards a Single Solution for Polyp Detection, Localization, and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images, Proc. VISIGRAPP - GIANA, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019.

S. van Vliet, A. Sobiecki, A. Telea. Joint Brightness and Tone Stabilization of Capsule Endoscopy Videos, Proc. VISAPP, Madeira Island, Portugal, 2018.

A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Robust Gap Removal from Binary Volumes, In Proc. Eurographics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.

J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, S. Doshi, S. Paisey, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Automated Digital Hair Removal by Threshold Decomposition and Morphological Analysis, In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Reykjavik, Iceland 2015.

A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, and A. Telea. Gap-Sensitive Segmentation and Restoration of Digital Images, In Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG), Eurographics, pages 1-8, Leeds, England, 2014.

A. Sobiecki, H. Yasan, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Qualitative Comparison of Contraction-based Curve Skeletonization Methods, In Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, Uppsala, Sweden, 2013.

A. Sobiecki, A.C. Telea, G. Giraldi, L.A.P. Neves, and C.E. Thomaz. Low-Cost Automatic Inpainting for Artifact Suppression in Facial Images, In 8th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISAPP, Barcelona, Spain, 2013.

A Sobiecki, L.A.P. Neves, G.A. Giraldi, G.J.F. Gattás and C.E. Thomaz, Segmentação e Restauração Digital para Eliminação de Artefatos em Imagens Frontais de Face, VII Workshop de Visão Computacional, Curitiba, Brazil, 2011.

A. Sobiecki, C. Gallão, D.C. Cardoso and P.S. Rodrigues, The Power of Kulback-Leibler Divergence Extendable for Tsallis Entropy in Comparing Cone-Bean and Multi-Slice Tomography Images Workshop de Visão Computacional, Curitiba, Brazil, 2011.

A. Sobiecki, L.A.P. Neves and C.E. Thomaz. To a Better Digitalization and Visualization of Frontal Face Photographs, IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, p.32, Paris, France, 2010.

A. Sobiecki, C.E. Thomaz, L.A.P. Neves, Uma Proposta de Melhoria Automática em Imagens Faciais, V Workshop de Visao Computacional, São Paulo, Brazil, 2009

Abstract and Posters

A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Automatic Gap Restoration in 2D and 3D Digital Images, ICTOpen 2015, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 2015.

A. Sobiecki, J. Koehoorn, D. Boda, C. Solovan, A. Diaconeasa, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. A New Efficient Method for Digital Hair Removal by Dense Threshold Analysis, Proc. 4th World Congress of Dermoscopy (IDS), Vienna, Austria, 2015.

A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, and A. Telea. Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Curve and Surface Skeletons, A State of the Art Review, ICTOpen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.

A. Sobiecki, C.E. Thomaz and L.A.P. Neve, Identificação e Eliminação Automática de Carimbos em Imagens Faciais, IX ERMAC-R6 Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Petrópolis, Brazil, 2009.

A. Sobiecki, L.A.P. Neves and E.O. Simonetto, O Uso da Programção Linear para Redução do Tempo em Testes de Processameto de Imagens Digitais, 3º Congresso Nacional de Extensão Universitária e 12º Encontro de Atividades Cientificas da Unopar, UNOPAR Editora, Londrina, Brazil, 2009.


Y lucas, M. Radojevic, F. Goet, N. Foley, E. Halbertsma, H. Zijlstra, I. Giotis, N. Haneveer, D. Pruimboom, T. Rozeboom and A. Sobiecki, MACHINE VISION, Het delen van kennis tussen noordelijke Nederlandse bedrijven - Machine Vision WP1 Data Acquisition and WP2 Data transport, Innovatiecluster Drachten High Tech Systems, ICD publication, Friesland, The Netherlands, 2018.

Y lucas, M. Radojevic, N. Foley, F. Goet, P. Dam, E. Gort, H. Zijlstra, D. Pruimboom, I. Giotis, N. Haneveer, A. Sobiecki and T. Rozeboom, MACHINE VISION, Het delen van kennis tussen noordelijke Nederlandse bedrijven - Machine Vision WP 3 Beslissingsalgoritmen: Deep learning, Innovatiecluster Drachten High Tech Systems, ICD publication, Friesland, The Netherlands, 2018.

Theses under my supervision

Julius van Dijk, Face Verification for poor resolution images, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2019

Robert Riesebos, Segmentation for quality control of Automated Pouch Packaging, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2019

Erik Bijl, A comparison of clustering algorithms for face clustering, Research Internship, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2018.

Willem Dijkstra, Polyp Detection, Localization and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images using a Single Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, Master Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2018.

Daan Raatjes, Smart Database Management System of Face Videos, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2018

Hidde Folkertsma, Super-Pixel Resolution for Face Images, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2018.

Twan Schoonen, Couting People in Videos, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2018.

Sibren van Vliet, Colour Stabilisation of Endoscopy Video, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2017.

Luca Laarhoven, Detection of Forward and Backward Movement of Pill Cameras, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2017.

Kevin Gever, Center Position Normalization in Endoscopy Video, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2017.

Nico Stegeman, Summarisation of Endoscopy Video, Bachelor Thesis, Computing Science, University of Groningen, 2017.


Pill Challenge, ZiuZ Visual Intelligence, The Netherlands, 2019.

Restauração de fotos para o bem social, Blog da FEI, Brazil, 2012.